Around the World in a (Simulated) Airplane, Part 4 : Crossing Southern Hispaniola from Haiti to the Dominican Republic
See the above region on Google Maps After our landfall and initial exploration of the western tip of Haiti in part 3 , it's time to cross the southern part of Hispaniola , the second largest island in the Caribbean after Cuba; on the west side of the island, where we landed, is the country of Haiti , while the eastern side is occupied by the Dominican Republic . Hispaniola was the first permanent European settlement in the Americas, founded by Columbus on his voyages in 1492 and 1493. Large Caribbean islands provide a fantastic mix of tall mountains and a lot of coastline: excellent flight-simulator locations, as far as I'm concerned! Hispaniola also offers large, gorgeous lakes! Topographic maps of Haiti : map 1 map 2 Crossing Over to the South Coast For starters, I re-cross the western tip of Haiti, this time south-bound. An excuse to re-visit the very scenic "Pic Macaya" National Park that I f...