Around the World in a (Simulated) Airplane, Part 6 : Turks & Caicos Islands
As I expected when I started this round-the-world blog, flight-simulator technology would improve remarkably along the journey... This entry is a re-issue of an earlier post, introducing the photo-realistic add-on Ortho4XP (which existed before, but I hadn't started using.) In the next blog entry, I'll also introduce the new Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020. I ended up pausing this blog throughout 2020, hugely distracted by Covid and, even more so, pulled into many directions, evaluating Ortho4XP (leading to this with/without side-by-side comparison video ), other add-on's, and the new Microsoft simulator. But, now, finally back in motion! Live map To Turks & Caicos Islands via Tortuga and the Southern Bahamas Taking off from Cap-Haïtien, on the north coast of Haiti, where we left off in Part 5 (Northbound Across Hispaniola) , I follow the coastline westward, until I catch sight of Tortuga island , a former haven of Caribbean piracy ...