Becoming Fully Bi-lingual As a Grown-Up: how “loco” is that?!?

I put “loco” (“crazy”) in the headline, because many English speakers – at least in California! – understand it... but I don’t personally speak much Spanish. My Big Jump with language was Italian -> English. Gifting oneself a new language – well, how’s that for this blog’s theme, hubris ? But with a hefty side-dish of humbleness because it was a long journey that required lots of patience and dedication! Jumping from one’s own native tongue to a different language – as a personal choice, not as a child – is definitely not “a walk in the park”… Far from that, it’s an immense undertaking! But for me it was a fascinating journey, and in fact a Grand Adventure! Do I dream in English, my adoptive language, or in my native Italian? Mostly in English, but it didn’t just happen overnight – no pun intended! The language of my dreams gradually shifted over the years of entirely using English in daily life. Well, “entirely” except for swearing! Sw...